Trying to get this thing going again...
1. My kids - (WOW. I still can't believe that word is plural. Every time I say it out loud, I freak just a little bit inside even though its been almost eight months. The "s" sound on the end of that word sounds so grown up. Like when did I grow up?!?!) They are both the neatest, coolest little dudes I know. They are funny, sweet, incredibly handsome, and growing up WAY too fast.
2. My husband - Ed is my fav-o-rite husband. Well he is my only husband, but I'm sure if I had multiple husbands, he'd be numero uno. He's just the right amount of supportive, considerate, generous, and asshole all at the same time. Most of the time, he knows just what I need even if it isn't what I want. He thinks that I should have all the clothes and shoes that I want and he doesn't think that Ann Taylor is too expensive. That alone makes him the World's Best Husband. I realize that I'm a spoiled brat and he does too, but he really doesn't seem to mind. Everyday, he makes life totally interesting even if it is in some body function disgusting humor kind of way.
3. My house - This is my third house. Each was brand new and we picked out all the goodies, but this one truly has my heart. I loved that last two, but with each I kept dreaming of the next one. I can honestly say that I'm not even looking at new homes. I L.O.V.E. this house. Its mine for keeps.
4. Baby Einstein - When a girl needs a shower or five minutes to blog, this stuff does the trick. I swear its like Baby Crack and all he has to do is hear the first note and he whips his head in the direction of the TV so fast its scary. If in ten years they discover that these DVDs cause kids to become serial killers, this boy is in trouble because he's getting a daily dose. Its horrible I know, but he's in the attached at the hip stage and a girl's gotta shower, ya know?
5. Netflix - Who knew that having movies delivered to your home could be so much fun? I kept holding on to that Blockbuster card and was way too chicken to make the switch, but once the movies started showing up at my mailbox, I was a believer. Netflix is tons of fun and none of the work.
6. Diet Dr. Pepper - I swear this stuff tastes just like real Dr. Pepper. I don't even realize that I'm drinking a Diet drink and God knows that I HATE Diet drinks. I'm only allowing myself one a day because I'm still nursing, but when the breastfeeding ends I'm going to drown myself in it.
7. Coach - Anyone whose ever owned one knows exactly why this one makes my list. I feel stylish and they last even when you're dragging around two kids. And when people see me on the street, they think I've got it together. They have no idea that the bottom of my handbag is filled with old Cheerios.
8. Wireless Networks - I'm all about working, but from the comfort of my couch thankyouverymuch.
9. TiVo - Love is being able to watch the Sopranos or What Not To Wear on my own schedule. Need I say more?
10. My Blackberry - Hated, hated, hated the idea of getting one. I was NEVER going to be one of those tied to email kind of people. But when "that thing" was finally thrust upon me, I was truly transformed. Never has a gadget changed my life as much as this little jewel. I always feel like I know what the heck is going on. I'm organized, connected, efficient, and reachable wherever I am. What I thought would tie me down, gave me freedom like I didn't know was possible.