Saturday, October 21, 2006

Big Week at the Wagner House

Let's see...

1. Ben fell at my sister in laws on Tuesday and hit the coffee table on the way down. Four stitches. Yes. My 11 month old has four stitches. Just one of those things.

2. This week is conference week for our school system. On Thursday, we met with Sam's teacher for a Sam love fest. She loves him, he's doing well, and all was great. Luckily for him, he saves all his bad behavior for me. If he misbehaved for her, it would be all over for him.

3. Benjamin is taking more and more steps. He'll be totally on the move any day now. He is so much more cautious than Sam ever was, but he's the one with the stitches. Go figure.

4. Yesterday was Ed's 41th. He's grouchy and depressed. It seems 41 is way worse than 40. And we did nothing for him because he doesn't like to make a fuss. W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R. If you read this Ed, W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R.

5. It was a crazy week at work. Lots going on there and our QA guru was on vacation so I did his job and mine. Yes, two jobs in 20 hours a week. I am Wonder Woman. We released three products and have about 6-7 more ready to go. I love my team.

6. Lots to do before Ben's party next week. Crap. Crap. Crap.

7. Sam's last baseball game for the season is today. Glad its over. He's over it because he's really not that good compared to the older kids on his team and he realizes it.

Tons of other stuff, but nothing worth blogging over. Don't know how much time I'll have this week with the upcoming party, but I hope to post some pictures tomorrow. No promises though.

Monday, October 16, 2006

My First Baby

Sigh....I just found this picture. Here's Sam at 18 months on vacation in Key West. The quality is bad compared to the more recent pictures, but I love it.

And a recent picture. He's hanging upside down on the swing.

Some Recent Pictures

For my sister in law. In hopes that it will make her want to drag her family to Atlanta for the 10/28 festivities -

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Only I Would Think They're Cute

Two Sphynx cats look picture perfect Wednesday during the press preview of the Fourth Annual CFA Iams Cat Championship. The competition will take place at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

First 90%

Sam came home really disappointed because he got 90% on his spelling test. He put the apostrophe in can't in the wrong place. He spelled it cant'. That's a hard one and was the first conjunction of the year. Try explaining why you need an apostrophe. Hats off to teachers because I don't know how they explain some of the stuff they've got to cover.

Benjamin's Words

Tickle Tickle Tickle
Twinkle Twinkle

He's really, really chatty. I'm sure there's more, but this is about all we can understand ;-).

Six Flags

We took Sam to Six Flags last night for what we termed "Sam Fun Night." My Mom watched Ben for us. We had a good time hanging out with Sam alone and we rode tons of rides. It was Fright Fest so it was an extra good time with tons of Halloween stuff. There were no lines, but it was a bit cold. I hadn't been there in years and I was so lost in the dark. I think we saw everything but honestly I have no idea. He was tall enough to have his own Bumper Car and I think that was probably the highlight of his night. I topped off the night with Funnel Cake. Its always a good time when there's funnel cake involved.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why won't this story die already?

So it seems that he's as greedy as she is crazy. They really should get back together because they are damn near perfect for each other.

Runaway bride sues former fiance

I shouldn't read the news.

The Woman Shouldn't Be Allowed to Have a Houseplant

much less have children.

Mom accused of swinging baby as weapon

This makes me sick to my stomach. How could she?

He called me Mommy this morning!

He's been calling me Maaaa, but today he said Mommy. He's only said it once, but once for enough for now. It really got me through the day.

Friday, October 06, 2006

5 for 5

Sam brought home his 5th 100% on his spelling test. WooHoo. My frig is plastered with 100's and I like it.

Call Two From the School Nurse

It came yesterday because he fell on the playground and hit his head. He was acting fine and she gave him some ice. She checked on him a couple of times and everything was OK. She just wanted me to know how he got the knot so I wouldn't be startled when he got off the bus.

Did I see a knot? No. Call two - check.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dude you need to quit. Period.

I'm not really very proud of some of my fellow Americans these days. This stuff is totally disgusting. I don't care if you're sorry. Quit. You don't deserve to represent anyone.

Hastert says he won't step aside over Foley scandal

Is this guy serious or what?

I realize the Onion isn't always for real, but why would they even make this crap up?

I Didnt Ask To Be A Role Model For My Kids

The Onion

I Didn't Ask To Be A Role Model For My Kids

Sure, I've reached a point where people look up to me. I've won just about every award offered in the sporting-goods business. I came in when this...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Some days its easy doing it all

And there are days like today -

::Baby got up at 4 and didn't go back to sleep
::broke a heel
::bad traffic
::barely beat Sam's bus to our house
::nearly had an anxiety attack at the thought of Sam getting off the bus and I wasn't home
::Ben's never took an afternoon nap so he was whiney
::got chewed up and spit out by someone at work who is not so nice
::sent this blog entry to Blogger before it was complete
::almost ran out of gas because I was so tired I didn't notice
::paid 30 cents more than the local going rate for gas because I was desperate

I stayed home on Tuesday to recooperate and forgot that it was Tuesday so I didn't take Sam to prep. Oh well. There's always next week.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Sunday, October 01, 2006

What's wrong with this picture?

I need to go run some errands and Ed has gone to a football game. So I'm going to drop one of the kids off with my Mom so the whole shopping thing will go smoothly. Which kid you ask? Sam. No, not Ben. Sam.

Sam and I are constantly butting heads lately. Everyone keeps telling me its the age and it will get better. But it irks me to no end that its easier to take Ben with me than it is to take Sam. It just doesn't sit right with me.

I tried to run these errands yesterday and gave up after about 30 minutes. He's that bad lately. Sweet as all get out and well behaved when he wants to be, but for me he's so rotten.

He better get over this sassy, drive me batty, he'll be lucky to live to 7 stage quickly because I'm losing my patience. I had to tell him 4 times to get in the shower this morning. The fourth wasn't in a nice tone and every time he had a rebuttal to my request. Give me strength.