Thursday, January 11, 2007


Lord knows I don't have the answer but does anyone?

I know that we can't just walk away, but is more troops the answer? I want to believe this will work, but everyday Americans are dying.

I just want peace. Pray for peace.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Friday, January 05, 2007

Do you look your age?

You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age

You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself.
You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years.
So I took this little 'Quiz' and its pretty bogus. It doesn't ask how many times you get up a night with a baby. And it doesn't ask about the number of medications you take daily. But what it does is give me hope, even if it is false, that I don't look 35 about to be 36.